how to migrate website to hostinger to another hostinger account

Step one in migrating your website from one Hostinger account to another should be preparation, including creating backup copies of all files, databases, email accounts and settings that may need migrating.

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A backup provides essential protection in case anything goes awry during migration; use either your current control panel’s backup feature or third-party applications to ensure a full copy of your data exists for safekeeping.

Establishing a Hostinger Account

Assuming you haven’t done so already, the next step should be creating a Hostinger account.

Simply visit their website and follow their prompts for creating one – be sure to select an account with adequate storage, bandwidth, and features as your needs might change with time.

Once established, your new control panel will give you full control of everything related to it.

Transferring Your Website Files

Once your new Hostinger account is ready, you will need to transfer your website files over. This is typically accomplished using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

Simply connect with an FTP client on both accounts to download files before uploading them onto their new hosts; or if both accounts reside on one server then directly move them between accounts.

Migrating Your Database

If your website uses a database, this must also be migrated. To do this, exporting from and importing into your new Hostinger account are two options available to you; Hostinger offers an easy-to-use tool called phpMyAdmin that makes this process straightforward.

Please ensure any configuration files (like WordPress’ wp-config.php file) contain information regarding your new database information before updating any configuration files ( such as wp-config.php for WordPress sites) with new database details.

Updating Your DNS Records

Final Step – Update DNS records so your domain points to your new Hostinger account through your domain registrar’s control panel and edit A records to point directly at its IP address.

Remember, DNS propagation can take up to 48 hours so don’t panic if your site doesn’t appear immediately in its new account!

Once these steps have been completed, your website should have been successfully transferred to Hostinger’s account.

Be sure to test thoroughly in order to ensure everything is functioning as intended – if any issues arise don’t hesitate to reach out as Hostinger customer support are well known for prompt and helpful assistance.

Verifying Email and FTP Accounts

After migrating your website, it’s vital that you recreate and confirm email accounts.

To do this, navigate to the Email section in your new Hostinger control panel and add any necessary accounts – don’t forget to update your email client settings as necessary for continued operation!

Likewise if you use FTP accounts to manage website files, recreate these in the FTP section of your new Hostinger control panel for continued operation.

Install and Configure Necessary Plugins and Add-ons

If your website utilizes specific plugins, add-ons or extensions, it is necessary to reinstall and reconfigure them on the new hosting account.

This step is especially crucial if using CMS such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal; to avoid future issues.

Ensure all plugins are compatible with your new server environment before proceeding further with configuration changes.

Testing Your Website

After your website migration has taken place, it is vital that all aspects are tested to ensure everything is functioning as it should be.

This includes reviewing pages, forms, scripts and multimedia content as well as internal/external links functioning as they should.

Any discrepancies must be corrected immediately to avoid further disruption to visitors to the site.

Organising Site Monitoring and Regular Backups

After verifying your site is functioning as expected on its new Hostinger account, it’s wise to set up website monitoring.

This will inform you of any potential issues or downtime as they arise and regular backups help protect data while also enabling fast restoration in case of problems – Hostinger offers tools for both monitoring and backups in their control panel.

Canceling Your Old Host Account

Once your site migration has gone as planned, the last step should be cancelling your old hosting account. Before doing so, however, ensure all files and data have been moved successfully, and any relevant documents saved for future reference.

Reach out to Hostinger’s support team in order to complete this step in your account cancellation process.

Migrating a website can be a complex and time-consuming task, but by following these steps you’ll be able to seamlessly transfer it between Hostinger accounts.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance from Hostinger’s support if needed during your migration journey!

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