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ADSENSE suspended for INVALID CLICK Activity?

In the Google AdSense terms and conditions enforcement update, Google AdSense will stop advertising before infractions and accidental clicks happen without affecting publishers. 

However, if your AdSense account is penalized by Google, you will be informed before you know it within the AdSense Control Panel Policy Center.


If you’re a webmaster or a webmaster, then you’ll know that infected traffic is an absolute no-no. What exactly is invalid traffic? What can you do to stop it from occurring on your website? Find out more here!


Invalid traffic in AdSense encompasses a range of activities that violate its terms of service. This includes self-clicking by publishers on their own ads, which can artificially inflate impressions and clicks.

Additionally, ads positioned beneath drop-down menus can inadvertently lead to numerous false clicks, especially when navigational elements come into play.

Some publishers resort to misleading tactics to entice users into clicking their ads. Using deceptive ad designs and language can lead to a surge in invalid clicks, which may result in Google AdSense restrictions.

Automated bots, certain traffic sources, and software designed to mislead users also fall under the umbrella of invalid traffic.

To further elaborate, some publishers manipulate ad fonts and colors to make them appear as regular content.

This deceptive blending can lead to numerous unintentional clicks. For instance, when hyperlinks to sources are styled to resemble AdSense ads, and actual AdSense ads are embedded within these links, it can confuse users and lead to invalid interactions.

To maintain the integrity of the platform, it’s crucial for publishers to adhere to AdSense guidelines and avoid such practices.


The fraudulent traffic that appears as automated click tools or other traffic sources is known as Click bots. Publishers should be wary of any company that claims to provide instant traffic as it may turn out to be Clickbot traffic.

Other types of fake traffic include click-rings or exchanges. This type of service for traffic exchanges relies on real people for ad clicks. Sometimes, these click-rings are where publishers click on one another’s advertisements for traffic exchange.

How can I fix INVALID TRAFFIC for ad serving?

In order to ensure that advertising revenue flows through AdSense and AdX to continue, identifying and fixing the root of the traffic that is not working is vital! Otherwise, publishers run the risk of Google and other ad technology partners shutting down their monetization for a period of 30 or more days.

Since Google does not inform publishers prior to the suspension of the Google Publisher Accounts because of invalid traffic, this is an increasingly important issue for publishers who are using Google AdSense and Google Ad Manager to make money from their websites.


You may be wondering what’s the reason behind invalid Traffic when you receive the notification that warns you from Google posting the bot’s struck. It could be that the traffic is the result of something that you deliberately did, or you aren’t sure how this IVT has arrived on your website.

Google Analytics never shares the statistics which it is invalid in the suspension notice.


1. Purchase Domains with expiring dates

The purchase of expired domain names due to the fact that they were inexpensive can result in redirected, spammy traffic flowing your way. With SEO in your mind, individuals are more likely to purchase expired domains. However, the traffic that is not valid is the undesirable add-on that it comes with.

2. Link Building

The internet is awash with information, and “link-building” and sharing content is typical practice to increase search engine ranking. At first glance, it appears like an enticing SEO strategy, but afterward, you find that there are some sites where it is probable that web crawlers attempt to crawl these websites.

That is to say, web crawlers will be hitting your site’s pages regularly when they are in this particular position. This could lead to more ineffective traffic to your website when the crawler is not experienced or the website is in an area being crawled by bots on a regular basis.

The more frequently you link to your listings on the internet increase the chances of crawlers taking over your site are higher.

What can I do to fix this:

By avoiding places that are not natural to share content and create links, you will stop unwanted traffic from visiting your website. Don’t spam your links, or include a call-to-action button in comments sections or forums. You can also send emails with hyperlinks.

3. Are you hacker-friendly?

Bots are everywhere on the internet, from your mobile applications and social networking platforms. There are some good bots like Google’s Web crawler (Googlebot) as well as bad ones.

Scrapers are content replicas and click bots that click advertisements. They make up one-quarter of the web traffic. Bots can infiltrate the site’s CMS immediately. The hacking of credential credentials and the stuffing is the most frequent instance of bots’ bad behavior.

Bot Activity on sites not just puts immense stress on the network, but also slows the network completely offline at times.

How can I fix this:

The most effective way to block bots that are malicious from getting into the CMS is to change administrator credentials that are different from the standard.

For example: changing the URL address to “.com/admin .com/adminX”

It is possible to be harmed by malicious bots when your site is the default admin login URL as every website in a particular CMS has that URL. If you alter the login URL all bots that hit your default URL for login will get the page with a 404, while your actual users will use the most recent URL you’ve made.

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